PPK Technology LTD was founded in 2024 and is known for customized IT solutions and first-class customer support. As a member of the PPK Technology Group, we provide comprehensive support for European customers and other group members.
Our company provides a wide range of IT equipment and also provides both software and hardware solutions which are based on its equipment. It is mainly known for offering unparalleled HPC solutions.
Digitization advances continuously. More data requires more computing power. PPK offer stable earnings from the construction and the leasing of infrastructure (Digital Real Estate). Collaboration with international network partners who have the necessary regulatory approvals.
All hosting plans offered by PPK are all-in tariffs, which include rack space, direct support, operations including small troubleshooting work, firmware updates and on-site technicians for maintenance of the infrastructure consisting of energy supply, cooling technology and the IT network.
With the increase in data to be stored, companies now spent more on hardware than software. The data center hardware includes the components that constitute the infrastructure of the data center. It includes the functional and non-functional devices vital for operating a data center.
At PPK, our mission is clear: we add value and quality through our services. We deliver tangible results, not just abstract theory. We work together to develop innovative solutions. We maintain integrity in all business relationships. We approach every project as a clean slate and offer transparent and reasonable prices.
2024©by PPK Technology LTD.
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